I think today was my easiest ride day so far. The roads have been better and the winds more favorable on other days, but for some reason, today just seemed good for riding. Unfortunately, I had Garmin issues and couldn’t get my ride to record. One issue was operator error, although I don’t remember doing it, I put my Garmin into “indoor” mode rather than “navigation” mode. When I finally figured that out, both of my sensors weren’t in the correct spot on my pedal and spoke. I finally adjusted those and started my ride over and I still didn’t get proper stats. So, today I use Janet’s stats and I’m thankful I had Janet for needed mileage shifts (when we rotate). After numerous phone calls to Owen this afternoon, I think I have the technical difficulties worked out. We basically only rode on US90 today, so there were no turns in the road. That also means, not much in the way of pictures today. We had lunch at The Ranch House in Sanderson. The waitress packed a gun. She definitely worked her tail off and was as friendly as she could be considering she was the only waitress/cashier for 43 riders and staff (plus locals that stopped in). Please no commentary on guns; just thought it was unique. We are staying in Sanderson’s High School gym. Nice floors, and it seems to be air conditioned – a plus. The school is supplying dinner tonight.
I forgot to mention two days ago that we saw some wildlife on the road. Three mule deer ran across the road in town right in front of the small university, Sul Ross. We also saw a javelin (a wild pig) along the road - but it was no longer breathing. It looked to be at least 60-80 lbs.
Stats from the day:
Start city: Marathon, TX
End city: Sanderson, TX
Miles: 55.52
Total miles to date: 1173.14
Pedaling time: 3 hours, 27 minutes
Avg. speed: 16.2
Feet climbed: 531
Fatigue factor: 2 out of 10 (10 is the worst);
Wind: start: NNW 7 mph; end E 3 mph
Road condition: 4 out of 5 (1 is the worst);
Temperature extremes: 62 at ride start, 87 at ride finish
Janet and Linda (aka: Queenie) on the rode in front of me. This is pretty much what the road looked like all day.
The next several pitcures are for Charlotte.
Flexible hours.