Well, it has been exactly two weeks since I stopped hiking, and I am finally adding my postscript.
Immediately after my return from hiking, I had one day in Florida to unpack, pay bills, and then pack for a trip to Texas. I had always planned this trip for CC’s birthday and it turned out she made her 1st Communion on her birthday (which was also Mother’s Day). While in Texas, I finally decided to go to an urgent care to look at my right foot. It had pained me since hiking; wearing a full ankle support provided no relief. It turns out if you sprain your foot, an ankle brace doesn’t help much 😊 I tried to remember when I actually started to limp and couldn’t remember. I told them about the fall I had on May 3rd, however I couldn’t be sure that was when I caused the damage, because I rolled my ankles a lot on the rocks.
The urgent care suspected a bad sprain, or maybe a stress fracture. They put me in a walking boot and told me to follow-up with an orthopedic doctor when I got home. A good biking friend was able to get me into to see my orthopedic doctor the day after I returned from Texas. Once again, thank goodness for friends. My doctor confirmed a mid-foot sprain as there was still swelling and bruising two weeks later. The good news, was he also did not think there was a fracture. He also told me, without prompting, that I could get back on my bike as soon as I could wear a normal shoe without pain. He added to keep using the boot until then. I cannot wait. Between my broken wrist last year with subsequent second surgery, my bike frame breaking in April, and then hiking and bum foot, there hasn’t been much biking in the past ten months. I can’t wait to get back to riding my bike! As for hiking, my orthopedic doctor told me that I didn’t have to retire from hiking, “just maybe stick to weekend trips.” And I thought “and trails not made almost completely of stone!”
Boots that I used hiking the AT in Pennsylvania.
My “new” right foot boot that I got to use for a couple of weeks after hiking the AT on Pennsylvania’s stones.