Day 3 - Starkey Park & Crews Lake

Today’s ride was supposed to start at 9am, however it became apparent at 8am that plans were going to have to change.  It was about 49 degrees and raining.  After about a ½ hour of me deliberating on what to do, we opted to start after lunch.  The rain finally stopped around noon and the temperature was about 59 degrees when we finally started.

We rode along the Starkey Trail, through Starkey Park and then onto the Suncoast Trail. It was so cold and windy in the morning, that most of the riders over-dressed when we started riding and had to shed layers of clothes about 35 minutes into the ride as soon as we entered Starkey Park. A few riders opted for a shorter ride and turned around when we reached the intersection with the Suncoast Trail. 

The “local” gator was lounging as we passed his favorite watering hole.  Shortly after that, one rider, Clark, got a flat.  Then we were on to a short loop through Crews Lake Wilderness Park before heading back. 

As we passed one road crossing, the riders could see a “ghost bike.”  It is a bike that is painted white to signify that a cyclist was killed where it is placed. Last November 1st, a 79-year-old woman was struck by a van as she attempted to cross the new intersection. Just this past week-end a memorial ride was held in her honor.

On the way back, I received a text that Clark had a second flat.  A husband of one of the riders (Amy) picked him up and took him back to the hotel.  He took his bike to a local shop and they found a sliver of glass embedded in his tire.  Not five minutes later I had a flat.  I had all the tools and a spare tube, but waited for Ray G to change the tube out.  Neither he or Janet could find anything in the tire.  I couldn’t find any green sealant anywhere on the tube but at the stem. The background is that I just had new tires and new self-sealing tubes put on my bike just before the start of this ride. It was frustrating. 

On the way back, Ray says to me “I have to stop at this one railing to pick up a jacket I left there this morning.” I thought no way will it still be there.  He told me I need to have faith – and sure enough, it was still there five hours later!  Ray and I were the last two people to pull into Starkey Market (about 6:15 pm) where the rest of the riders had been enjoying liquid refreshments.  Sue bought me a beer and about as quickly as I could drink it, we were off to the hotel. I rode 46 miles this day,

It was late, so after showers, I talked Janet into going to Carrabba’s for dinner.  We were in and out within 45 minutes and made it back to the hotel by 9pm.  A few riders were enjoying wine in the lobby and reminiscing about the days adventure. 

The start of the ride at 1pm when the sun was out and the temperature was almost 60 degrees. You can see the flags blowing with a north wind - the direction we would be headed.

Just inside Starkey Park where the riders shed layers of clothes. I was ok as I only had on a sleeveless windbreaker.

A few of the riders as they passed the “planets” while riding in Starkey Park.

The “local” gator at their favorite sunning area.

A “ghost” bike is seen as we passed this section of the trail.

One set of the riders today as they prepared to head back to the hotel.

Another group of riders: Julie, Clark, Janet, Rita, Dave, Linda, Amy L and Amy R.

On the boardwalk at Crews Lake with Frances, Eddy, me and Joe.

Ray and Janet taking out the flat tube while looking for what could have caused the flat.

Ray’s jacket along the side of the trail, exactly where he left it five hours earlier!

A whole bunch of riders enjoying liquid refreshments at Starkey Market - before I got there. Thanks Julie for the photo!