Day 2

What I failed to mention yesterday was that two riders, Linda and Fred, are self-contained. The hills yesterday were more of a challenge with their packs on the back of their bikes. Today was less miles, about 40, so we took our time and enjoyed the trails. Our first stop was in Winter Garden at Rosalie’s where we had coffee and the largest almond raspberry croissant I have ever eaten - and it was delicious!! We were on the South Lake Trail, the Hancock Trail, the West Orange Trail and the Seminole Wekiva Trail. These are some awesome trails in mid-Florida. We had lunch across the street from our hotel and will head to the Stonewood Grill & Tavern for dinner.

The start of Day 2.
Along the West Orange Trail.
My giant almond-raspberry  at our stop in Winter Garden.
Linda is the last one in this photo.
Along the last trail of the day, there were numerous paintings along the fence line.  The paintings ranged from animals, to historical events and more.
Laundry day.  We limited our luggage so we will be reusing kits.  This is just a few of the items now hanging up to dry.

Laundry day. We limited our luggage so we will be reusing kits. This is just a few of the items now hanging up to dry.
