Day 7, August 10, 2019, Harbor Springs to Mackinaw City, MI

Today started out rather cool at 52 degrees with little wind.  By the time I reached Mackinaw City it was 69 degrees with a west wind of 10 mph.  There was only one tough climb today with a 12% grade.  The rest were manageable and not topping more than 6%. 

I’ve biked the route from Harbor Springs to Mackinaw City many times, but this time I noticed the roads were pretty awful once past Cross Village. If I were using my C2C scoring of road conditions, it would have varied from 1-3.  However, the Tunnel of Trees more than made up for it with a 9-10! 

Coming upon Good Hart and not seeing the normal set up that the DALMAC has was a little eerie.  We biked by relatively early in the day and nothing was open.  With the DALMAC ride, a full meal set up with barbecue is going.  Even Legs in Cross Village was still closed when I biked by.

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Tunnel of trees

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Good Hart General Store and Post Office.

Just past Good Hart I saw this deer.  Sorry for the blurry image.

Just past Good Hart I saw this deer. Sorry for the blurry image.

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The view from Legs in Cross Village.

The view from Legs in Cross Village.

The end of the ride in Mackinaw City,

The end of the ride in Mackinaw City,

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