Day 2 - January 14, 2019

The first day of riding on the Space Coast Tour. This is what you call a vacation type of ride: about 30 miles on paved roads, trails and gravel roads. So glad that I didn’t bring a road bike for this ride. I am using a Trek Dual Sport and it works so great on those bumpy, gravel roads. The day started out overcast and cool and ended sunny and cool. We rode about 30 miles (29.62 to be exact) with a nice comfortable 11.4 mph. On the hard surface road we were closer to 14 mph, however the gravel roads with all the holes and bumps made for slow going. My friend from Coast to Coast, Semone, road with Julia and I today. Unfortunately, he got a flat on his rental bike a 1/2 mile into the 12 mile loop of the Canaveral National Seashore Area. Needless the say, not having his own supplies made the tube change a little slower. At least two other people that we know of got flats on that same road (including Papow from C2C). Julia did great on the ride today - and I’m saying that because this was her first ride in about four years. Due to the cooler temps, we didn’t see as much wildlife as we would have normally. A few riders did get a photo of a very large gator. l’ll find out tomorrow’s adventure at dinner tonight when we get tomorrow’s cue sheets. As if I haven’t said this enough, riding a bike is a great way to see the country.

Unloading the bikes to start off today’s ride. Note the clouds in the background.

Unloading the bikes to start off today’s ride. Note the clouds in the background.

The start of the tour.

The start of the tour.

Along our first “detour” road of the ride….it was Semone’s idea.

Along our first “detour” road of the ride….it was Semone’s idea.

Along the National Seashore area, just before the dreaded flat.

Along the National Seashore area, just before the dreaded flat.

Most of today’s ride was completely determined on Saturday due to the government shutdown. It was not the route that Bubba had planned.

Most of today’s ride was completely determined on Saturday due to the government shutdown. It was not the route that Bubba had planned.

Notice that the clouds are finally breaking up!

Notice that the clouds are finally breaking up!

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Getting ready to “scale” the highest elevation gain of this ride :-)

Getting ready to “scale” the highest elevation gain of this ride :-)

And she clears the peak of Summit Bridge!

And she clears the peak of Summit Bridge!

Taking off after lunch.

Taking off after lunch.