Day 3 - January 15, 2019

I’m going to go back and post a few photos from last night’s dinner. The serving size was way too much - but it was all good and it didn’t keep me from sharing a dessert.

Today’s ride started out cooler than yesterday and I started with an added layer of leg warmers. No layers came off today as the wind was strong and in our face the whole day (about 10 mph steady with much stronger gusts). We rode on a paved trail almost the entire day. Where the ride was smooth, there wasn’t a lot of scenery along the way. That is except for a detour to the White Sands Buddhist Center…and yes, it was Semone’s idea to detour again. It was worth it! We may have been the only riders to venture into the woods to find it.

Julia officially dumped me today before our first SAG stop in favor of riding with Adrian’s wife Donna. She was pretty clear that she was looking for a little slower pace and I was free to fight the wind all day with two riders stronger than me - those being Adrian and Semone. Yesterday the Trek Dual Sport came in handy on gravel/sand roads. Today, those knobby, fat tires tired me even more than the wind was doing for its part. We rode about 30 miles again today (30.71 to be exact). My average was a little higher at 12.6, but with that wind and those knobby tires, I feel like I just did about 60 miles at a higher pace.

I managed to get an official post office photo in for this trip. Looking forward to our rider meeting tonight to find out what tomorrow’s adventure will be.

A few familiar faces from C2C at last night’s dinner

A few familiar faces from C2C at last night’s dinner

My dinner table from last night.

My dinner table from last night.

Sunrise at Cocoa Beach.

Sunrise at Cocoa Beach.

The start of today’s ride: Julia, me and Semone.

The start of today’s ride: Julia, me and Semone.

Donna and Adrian riding - before Julia and Donna conspired to drop the rest of us and pedal with one another.

Donna and Adrian riding - before Julia and Donna conspired to drop the rest of us and pedal with one another.

The name of the trail we rode on today.

The name of the trail we rode on today.

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Semone and Adrian shielding me from the wind.

Semone and Adrian shielding me from the wind.

My official post office photo of the day.

My official post office photo of the day.