Day 5 Gooseberry Falls State Park

We decided two evenings ago that Friday would be the last day of hiking. We could have hiked from Split Rock St Park to Gooseberry St Park, but opted to break camp and drive to the park instead. It would allow the group to head home sooner than planned.

We arrived at Gooseberry about 8:15 am, well ahead of the visitor center opening and thus ahead of the weekend crowds. We walked to the Lower and Middle Falls. They were beautiful and majestic. The walk to these first two falls was on pavement and also used stairs. From there on we were on typical hiking trails; only Alan carried a backpack with water for the three of us. We hiked to the upper falls, and finally up to the Fifth Falls.

We found Superior Hiking Trail markers near Fifth Falls and agreed that this section of the SHT is what we had anticipated for the entire trail. We understood that the trail could not follow along Lake Superior the entire time, but had hoped for more “rewards” along the way for such a tough trail. We were very glad that we day hiked the Gooseberry Falls area. We walked/hiked 3.25 miles. In the parking lot, Alan and I said our goodbyes to Julia and set out on the road for the long trip home. Who knows where we may stop along the way?!

Lower Falls

View of Lake Superior.

Middle Falls

Upper Falls

The first time we saw a shelter on the trail, and this was within a state park.

Fifth Falls

What you do when you find a bench along the trail!

Saw this sign and thought of my “Coaster” family.😊

This wall, 300 feet long, was built by the Civilian Conservation Corp between 1936-1940. It was built to resemble a castle.