Hike Reflections

On the drive home, Alan and I stopped in Chippewa Falls, WI. We needed a rest stop and neither of us had been here before. We visited the Lienenkugal Brewery where we enjoyed a sandwich, homemade chips and a flight of beer.

We discussed all the planning that went into this hike and how so much changed. Initially we were supposed to start hiking at the Northern Terminus and head south. Our goal was about 58 miles of hiking. A few weeks before the hike, the location start changed to mid-way in the trail and hike near three state parks. We left weeks before the hike due to our prior bike trip, which meant we packed for all kinds of weather, but especially cold weather. As it turns out, we had warm pleasant weather. I even had to buy a souvenir t-shirt to replace my colder weather shirt until we reached our car where I had a different replacement shirt.

Which brings me to our plan to car ‘leap frog’ with Julia’s car. Having a car available made it easier to change plans. And we certainly changed plans. After two long days with heavy packs on tough surfaces, we opted to primitive camp at the state parks, however a car was always nearby. We then hiked within the state parks.

Alan and I both decided the Superior Hiking Trail was intended as a complete through hike objective, rather than a section hike. Maybe we did the wrong section, but it was tough with few rewarding views along the way. Somehow we thought we would see more of Lake Superior from the trail. Also, a lack of water resources the first day made us skittish to keep through hiking versus the state park stays. Spring hikes usually provide better water resources.

The state parks were outstanding, were the best part of the trip, and made the hiking trip truly enjoyable. Highly recommended the parks we visited.

We made great memories to last a lifetime. A hike for me with zero injuries! We also didn’t hike in any rain!! It did rain the last night, but we were in our tents by then.

Our average hiking over four days was 7.7 miles. The total for five days was 34 miles. The fifth day had less miles because we started the drive home. I think I need to have less miles on my day one. Wearing myself out on day one (10 miles) makes the next day even tougher. Building up to ten miles a day should be my goal. Unfortunately, logistics and trail detours on the first day made that plan unfeasible for this trip. I have a t-shirt with a turtle hiking along a trail. It is a perfect representation of me: I am slow but steady.

Alan had many “firsts” on this backpacking adventure. He came fully prepared for bears: bear spray, a bear horn, and bear bells. He didn’t need to use any! In fact, when we reached the first car, he ditched the bear spray. We talked enough to keep most wildlife a safe distance away.

A big shout out to our friend Julia that kept us laughing along the way. Thank you Julia!!! Alan tapped her for advice about hiking.

We visited the Leinenkugel Brewery on our way home.

Alan’s bear horn, bell and spray. He insists it “worked” because we saw zero bears!